Frenectomy/Tongue Tie Release IN GREENSBORO, NC

What is a tongue-tie release (frenectomy)?

A tongue tie release (frenectomy) is a minor surgical procedure that involves removing a tight band of tissue (frenum) in the mouth, which can cause a restriction of your lips, cheeks, or floor of the mouth (present below the tongue). Typically, frenectomies help to treat a condition known as ankyloglossia (tongue-tie), which is a restriction of the tongue by the frenum in the floor of the mouth specifically, and can lead to issues with chewing, swallowing, speech impediments, breathing issues, and many other issues with oral function.

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How do we treat it differently at our office?

At Evergreen Dental, we do a tongue tie release treatment known as a functional frenectomy.  Coined by Dr. Soroush Zaghi, we take a functional approach to this treatment, which includes understanding and treating the root cause of this dysfunction. Accompanying the functional frenectomy is myofunctional therapy, which is a form of physical therapy that uses simple, patient-specific exercises to target, strengthen, and reeeducate improper function on a neuro-muscular level with the muscles of the airway. In addition to the muscles of the tongue, this also includes the lips, soft palate, cheeks, face, and neck. Myofunctional therapy is completed before, during, and after the functional frenectomy treatment to help achieve optimal results. The purpose of the functional frenectomy is to ultimately improve the efficacy and compliance of myofunctional therapy, as well as to improve speech, swallowing, and other oral dysfunctions. The surgery itself is completed either using a laser, scissors, or a combination of the two.

Did you know…

Dental bridges can be used to replace up to 3 consecutive missing teeth.

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The most obvious sign of tongue-tie is a heart-shaped tongue. The heart shape forms when the lingual frenum holds the center of the tongue in place when they try to lift it, causing a depression at the center of the tongue. Your child may need a frenectomy if you notice this heart shape when they lift or stick out their tongue.


Babies with tongue-tie have difficulty breastfeeding. That’s because the short frenulum restricts the movement of the tongue, which prevents proper airflow while breastfeeding. This could, in turn, lead to malnutrition and problems with weight gain. A tongue-tie release helps avoid both.


Does your baby make clicking sounds while breastfeeding or drinking from their bottle? If so, your child likely has a short frenulum. The clicking sounds indicate your child’s attempt to latch onto your nipples but failing. Most of the milk they draw from your breasts actually leaks to the sides while they try to latch onto the nipples. The baby eventually stops feeding from exhaustion.

Did you know…

Bridges preserve your alignment, and keep your other teeth from shifting.

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What symptoms may indicate a need for a functional frenectomy and/or myofunctional therapy?

• Mouth breathing and/or dry mouth during sleep

• Speech Articulation issues

• TMJ pain

• Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) such as snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

• Clenching/grinding teeth

• Swallowing air-leading to frequent bloating, gas, and other GI issues

• Silent reflux or nighttime reflux

• Chronic gingivitis or periodontal disease despite typical intervention

How do I know I am a candidate for a functional frenectomy and/or myofunctional therapy?

At Evergreen Dental, we take a comprehensive, multidisciplinary airway evaluation to determine if you may benefit from a functional frenectomy and/or myofunctional therapy). Our Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists (OMTs) will assess many aspects of your health, past and present, to look for potential areas where dysfunction could be a contributing factor to less than optimal health function. Photos will be taken and we will conduct a few tests to look for breathing and swallowing pattern and function. We will evaluation for a tongue tie and determine on whether a functional frenectomy (tongue-tie revision) is recommended or not. Dr. Jah will ultimately be the one to make the final diagnosis and treatment plan for the functional frenectomy.

What is the procedure like?

The functional frenectomy is a relatively quick procedure, lasting approximately 15 minutes. It involves local anesthetic that it placed in the underside of the tongue near the tethered, restrictive tissue, and is performed using a laser, scissors, or a combination of both. After release of the tethered tissue, stiches are typically placed to help with healing, and to minimize the little discomfort you get from having the procedure completed. Before, during, and after the procedure, myofunctional therapy occurs to achieve the best results.

If interested in learning more or you would like to be scheduled for an evaluation, feel free to contact our office at (336) 323-2822.

Did you know…

Dental bridges are non-surgical and can last for several decades with proper care.

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